CREDiTools Technologies

Credit Risk Management System
based on Machine Learning

About Us

CREDiTools Technologies is transforming how financial institutions, including banks, credit unions, savings and loan associations, and insurance companies, assess applicants' creditworthiness. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, they aim to replace labour-intensive manual processes with automation, simplifying tasks like client onboarding, risk assessment, and credit evaluation. Focused on innovation, CREDiTools empowers financial advisors to shift from administrative work to delivering outstanding client service. Their automated and fully integrated credit risk management system streamlines customer onboarding, cutting the process from days or weeks down to just a few hours, while ensuring compliance and efficiency.

To become the frontrunner in delivering ML-driven credit risk management platform, empowering the financial industry to maintain the relevance and prowess.


To transform the finance sector by providing an all-encompassing software platform that enhances operational efficiency and elevates credit risk management to new heights.

Problems to Solve

Time-Intensive Process

Traditional credit risk management is a time-intensive process characterized by intricate evaluations of borrowers' financial profiles, payment histories, and economic factors. Traditional methods often involve manual data collection, analysis, and decision-making, leading to delays in assessing an applicant's creditworthiness.

Huge Investments

Credit risk management is a significant investment undertaking involving substantial financial institution resources. They allocate human expertise and advanced technology to evaluate the creditworthiness of borrowers, encompass analyzing historical payment behaviors, financial metrics, and industry trajectories.

Lack of Non-Linear Relationship

Credit risk management can be limited by its inability to capture non-linear relationships. Traditional methods often struggle to discern intricate connections between various credit risk factors and creditworthiness, such as borrower behavior and economic indicators.

Our Solution

ML-driven Credit Risk Management Software Platform
CREDiTools provides a credit evaluation software platform.
Facilitates risk analysis and continuous monitoring.
Enables faster, confident loan approvals for lenders.
Captures non-linear credit risk with ML model.
Reduces errors and fraud for lenders.
Predicts bankruptcy risk from bank historical data.
Quantifies borrower creditworthiness using
socioeconomic factors.
Offers synthetic identity recognition for
data comparison with Scope.



Meet The Team

Yiqiu Tao

Chief Executive Officer

Mrs. Yiqiu Tao is a strategic leader and pioneering advocate of risk management in the banking sector, bringing over 18 years of expertise in project execution, risk analysis, and team development. Her diverse experience includes roles as an International Settlement Specialist, Customer Manager, Loan-Review Officer, and Post-Loan Monitoring Officer. As the driving force behind the company's strategic vision, Mrs. Tao aligns the credit risk platform with organizational

Junting Chen

Chief Technology Officer

Mr. Junting Chen is an exceptional academic achiever and visionary professional with corporate experience in prestigious organizations. He specializes in data analytics and visualizations, client evaluation techniques, and machine learning algorithms. As the Chief Technology Officer at CREDiTools Technologies, Mr. Chen shapes the technology vision and strategy, spearheads the development of machine learning algorithms, and optimizes system architecture for scalability, driving the company’s success in the Canadian market.

Yurong Dong

Chief Operating Officer

Mr. Yurong Dong is a distinguished chemical engineer and experienced trainer with over 16 years in policy implementation, progress monitoring, process optimization, and training leadership. His background includes roles as an Engineer and Head Teacher. As the Chief Operating Officer at CREDiTools Technologies, Mr. Dong crafts the operational strategy, develops resource allocation plans, designs streamlined processes, and establishes timelines for milestone achievement and progress tracking, driving the company's success in the Canadian market.

Xiaoyan Min

Chief Business Development Officer

Mrs. Xiaoyan Min is an inspiring and dedicated professional with over 19 years of experience in managing internal and external communications, liaising with stakeholders, overseeing logistics, and providing leadership to enhance organizational efficiency. Her roles have included General Affairs Secretary, Assistant Director of Call Center, and General Department Director. As the Chief Business Development Officer at CREDiTools Technologies, Mrs. Min leads market research to uncover opportunities, formulates market entry strategies, and builds strategic partnerships, driving the company’s success in the Canadian market.

Tingting Zhang

Chief Finance Officer

Mrs. Tingting Zhang is a results-driven financial management specialist with over 18 years of experience in trading, fund management, and administration. Her background includes roles as an Administrative Assistant, Dealer, Assistant Director of the Trading Department, and Administrative Manager. As the Chief Financial Officer at CREDiTools Technologies, Mrs. Zhang develops fundraising strategies, creates financial models, and designs a robust financial reporting framework, driving the company’s success in the Canadian market.
CREDiTools Technologies

Our Blogs

The Impact of AI on the Canadian Banking Market

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the banking sector, transforming how financial institutions operate and interact with customers. In Canada, where the banking industry is a cornerstone of the economy, AI’s influence is becoming increasingly significant.

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